Thank You for Making a Difference in the Lives of All We Serve!
Leadership Circle ($2,500 and above)
Family Bridges
Scott and Lyn GeBoy
Ambassador Circle ($1,000 and above)
Active Day, Inc.
Corinne Jan
Kathleen Kolenda
Kelly Upchurch
Richard Lee
RTZ Systems – CADCare Online
William (Bill) Zagorski
Patron Circle ($500 and above)
California Association of Adult Day Services
Christopher Vito
Cygnet Innovations Group
Health Care Plus
Insight Memory Care Center
Joan Marie Granato
Joel Bednoski
Josie Zamora
Rosita Wong
Vicki Maynard
Friend Circle (Below $500)
Afshin Abedi
Amy Keller
Amy Sczesny
Benton Thompson
Beth Meyer-Arnold
Brenda Eucce
Cathy Fox, in memory of Lander Bumgarner
Chrissie Schettini
Chyva Clarke
Collabria Day Program
Donna and Dave Hale
Gladys Soto
H. A. Krisle
HealthJay, Inc.
Jay Schrimpf
Jean Brand
Jed Johnson
Jo Ver Beek
John Buckley
Kathy Pellman
Katelyn Kirkpatrick
Katie Scott
Keith Anderson
Kim Chee
Lance Roberts
Laura Johnson
Lisa Peters-Beumer
Marilyn Clerc
Mark Bumgarner
Marybeth Scovill
Merle Griff
Michelle Brown
Mike Splaine
Ned Morgens
Network for Good
Paulette Geller
Roy Afflerbach
SarahCare Indianapolis
Sheila Carter
Tia Sauceda
Terry Fishler